In my quest to rewrite my very own website I've been wondering a few things. What use is it to have a mobile client app that you use to write your blog posts? Your already mobile, why not use a refined web app to do it? Or why not use a desktop app like Windows Live Writer?
My thinking is to have more of an overview, or admin mobile app. Approve and moderate comments. Look at page statistics. Then after all that, maybe have a portion of the app devoted to jotting off a quick blog post.
Why do I think about this? Because I've used the blogger mobile app to write a post.
It sucked.
Why did it suck? Because cell phones are *not* designed to write long form. Anything more that a couple hundred characters at a shot and the screen size inhibits your abilities to proof read and check to be sure your not just rambling on.
But why make my personal site have any client app at all? Because it is designed to be shared multi-user environment, with both shared and separate spaces. My current site hosts 8 people (ooohhh 8 whole people). The flaw in my current site is the lack of separation. Plus the new site will be honed for many people including shared contributions. But all of this is topic for another post.
Maybe I can get some feedback from people on this though: Why have a mobile client app to write blog posts?